Brazilian Film 'Ainda Estou Aqui' Makes History with Three Oscar Nominations
The Brazilian film Ainda Estou Aqui, directed by Walter Salles, earned three nominations for the 2025 Oscars, marking a historic achievement for national cinema. The film was nominated in the categories of Best Picture, Best International Feature Film, and Best Actress for Fernanda Torres. The production is an adaptation of the book of the same name by Marcelo Rubens Paiva, which tells the story of his mother, Eunice Paiva, a woman who became a prominent human rights activist after the disappearance and murder of her husband, Rubens Paiva, during Brazil’s military dictatorship.
The nomination of Ainda Estou Aqui for Best Picture is unprecedented for a Brazilian production, placing the country in a prominent position at the world’s most prestigious film awards. Fernanda Torres, who plays Eunice Paiva, had already won the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Drama Film, which raised expectations for her performance at the Oscars. The actress, daughter of Fernanda Montenegro — who was also nominated for an Oscar in 1999 for Central Station — highlighted the importance of sharing a Brazilian story with the world.
The film, which premiered at the Venice Film Festival in 2024 and reached Brazilian theaters in November of the same year, had already won over 20 international awards, including Best Screenplay in Venice. The moving narrative of Eunice Paiva, who fought for decades for the state to acknowledge her husband’s death, resonates not only as a family drama but also as a portrait of resistance against oppression during the military dictatorship.
The 2025 Oscars ceremony is scheduled for March 2, coinciding with Carnival Sunday in Brazil. Despite strong competition, especially in the Best International Feature Film category, where the French musical Emilia Pérez is considered the favorite, the nomination of Ainda Estou Aqui is already seen as a victory for Brazilian cinema, reaffirming the importance of culture as a tool for social transformation and historical memory.

‘Ainda Estou Aqui’ recebe 3 indicações ao Oscar: melhor filme, melhor filme internacional e melhor atriz, para Fernanda Torres
O longa é uma adaptação do livro de mesmo nome do jornalista e escritor Marcelo Rubens Paiva. Ele contou a história da própria família, com foco na fi
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Produção brasileira está concorrendo nas categorias Melhor Filme, Melhor Atriz e Melhor Filme Internacional
Ainda Estou Aqui é segundo filme com Fernanda Torres no Oscar
Ainda Estou Aqui é segundo filme com Fernanda Torres no Oscar
Indicações de ‘Ainda Estou Aqui’ ao Oscar coincidem com suposta data da morte de Rubens Paiva
Coincidência foi lembrada durante entrevista com Selton Mello, que se emocionou