Widespread Weather Deterioration Across Japan; Rain, Snow, and Blizzards Expected
From January 27 (Monday) to January 28 (Tuesday), the weather across the Japanese archipelago is expected to deteriorate over a wide area. Particularly from western Japan to the Tokai region, rain and snow are expected due to the influence of a low-pressure system, and many areas will require umbrellas. In the Kanto region, rain may fall late at night, so it is recommended to carry a foldable umbrella. While northern Japan will have mostly clear skies, blizzards are expected in parts of Hokkaido, so caution is advised.
On January 28 (Tuesday), heavy snow is expected mainly in northern Japan and the Hokuriku region. In northern Japan, the influx of cold air will make the atmosphere unstable, leading to the development of snow clouds. Inland areas of Hokuriku and Tohoku need to be cautious of heavy snow and increasing snow accumulation. Additionally, northern Kyushu, particularly in mountainous areas, may experience heavy snow, with snowfall of 1 to 20 centimeters expected in Yamaguchi, Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Oita, and Kumamoto prefectures.
Regarding temperatures, northern and eastern Japan are expected to have days with temperatures higher than average, while western Japan will continue to experience typical cold for this season. For those with hay fever, cedar pollen has already started to disperse in some areas, so it is advisable to take precautions.
It is important to stay alert to future weather changes, especially preparing for traffic disruptions and deteriorating road conditions due to snow and rain.
This article was created based on multiple reliable sources.
週間天気予報 週前半は広い範囲で雨 週中頃は大雪警戒
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newsdig.tbs.co.jp1月27日(月)の洗濯天気予報 西日本は外干し心配|au Webポータル
au Webポータル
article.auone.jp28日の天気(西日本) | 共同通信 ニュース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス
◆大阪 曇り時々晴れ◆京都 曇り時々晴れ◆広島 曇り◆高松 曇り◆福岡 曇り時々雨か雪◆鹿児島 曇りのち雨か雪◆那覇 曇り時々晴れ(共同通信)。
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au Webポータル
article.auone.jp経済・IT(経済)|au Webポータル
au Webポータルの経済・IT(経済)に関するニュースの記事一覧ページです。