Fuji TV Executives Resign Amid Controversy Over Talent Dispute Involvement
Fuji TV held a second press conference on the 27th regarding the reported involvement of an employee in a dispute between former talent Masahiro Nakai (52) and a woman. The conference was attended by Shuji Kano (74), chairman of Fuji Media Holdings, and Koichi Minato (72), president, who announced their resignations earlier that day, along with Ryunosuke Endo (69), vice chairman, Osamu Kanemitsu (70), president of the same holding company, and Kenji Shimizu (64), who will assume the role of new president effective the 28th. The press conference began at 4:00 PM and continued until 2:23 AM the next day, lasting an unusually long time of approximately 10 hours and 23 minutes.
At the beginning of the conference, Minato and Kano formally announced their resignations. It was also announced that Shimizu would take over as the new president. Furthermore, the company outlined a policy to proceed with reforms aimed at restoring trust without waiting for the results of a third-party committee’s investigation. Regarding the involvement of Fuji TV employees in Nakai’s dispute with a woman, the company stated that “no involvement has been confirmed,” but did not disclose detailed circumstances, citing “confidentiality obligations.”
The press conference was attended by 191 media outlets and 473 reporters, with 116 questions asked. Around 10:00 PM, approximately six hours after the start, a 15-minute break was taken, after which the Q&A session continued. As the last train times approached, many reporters left, with only about 30% remaining until the end. During the conference, tough questions from reporters flew, and there were moments of chaos, such as when the company refused to answer questions citing privacy protection, leading to shouts of “You should tell the truth.”
At Fuji TV headquarters, strict security measures were in place, including baggage checks and metal detector screenings for reporters entering the building. The press conference was also broadcast live with a 10-minute delay, drawing significant attention from viewers.

フジテレビの“やり直し会見”、午後4時から10時間23分で終了 191媒体、473人が参加 - スポーツ報知
フジテレビ会見、異例の日付またぎ 午前0時越えても終了せず8時間超えの超ロング会見 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ
フジテレビは27日、午後4時から都内の同局で中居正広氏(52)の女性トラブルに社員が関与したなどと報じられた件について2度目の会見を開催し、開始から8時間を超… - 日刊スポーツ新聞社のニュースサイト、ニッカンスポーツ・コム(nikkansports.com)
フジ・港社長 中居氏のマンションを被害女性が訪れた経緯は「中居氏に確認したが『守秘義務』ということで開示されず」(スポーツ報知) - Yahoo!ニュース
【読売新聞】 元タレントの中居正広さん(52)の女性トラブルにフジテレビ社員が関与したと報じられた問題で、同社は27日午後4時から記者会見を開いた。質問が相次ぎ、10時間以上に及んだが28日午前2時過ぎ、終了した。同社ではバラエティ
フジテレビ会見 異例の10時間超 日枝氏の進退含めた対応焦点 | NHK
「静かにしてください。マジで」フジ会見の混乱鎮めた呼びかけ話題に | 毎日新聞
フジテレビ異例のやり直し会見、専門家はどう見たか - 日本経済新聞
フジテレビジョンは27日、元タレントの中居正広さんと女性とのトラブルを巡り、記者会見を開いた。物議を醸した最初の会見から10日間。異例のやり直し会見は信頼回復への第一歩となったのか。企業法務やメディアに詳しい専門家に聞いた。異論唱えにくい体制、親会社の責任も焦点 企業法務に詳しい山口利昭弁護士フジテ
フジテレビ会見で女性記者が〝怒りの独壇場〟 1人2問ルールの中で…13分間の大紛糾 | 東スポWEB
《フジテレビ会見に不在&5つ星ホテルに潜伏》日枝久氏に「中居正広問題」を会見当日に直撃撮!「いつまで相談役に居座るのか?」 | 文春オンライン
1月23日に芸能界を引退した中居正広(52)の女性トラブルの対応をめぐり、本日16時から「やり直し」の記者会見に臨んでいるフジテレビ。 23日に開かれた社内説明会では、取締役相談役の日枝久氏を含めた…