Former KAT-TUN Member Kōki Tanaka Faces New Drug-Related Charges
It has been revealed that former KAT-TUN member Kōki Tanaka (38) has once again been referred to prosecutors in connection with a drug-related incident. In this case, it was discovered that he sent a masturbation video to a former partner and also sent a LINE message requesting cocaine. Tanaka has been arrested for drug-related issues in the past, and this incident has drawn attention given that history.
Tanaka allegedly sent messages to his former partner with content such as “Let’s use it while we’re having sex…” hinting at drug use. He also repeatedly engaged in inappropriate behavior, such as sending masturbation videos. These actions suggest that his drug dependency has become more severe.
Tanaka was arrested in 2017 for violating the Cannabis Control Act, and drug-related issues have persisted since then. This incident highlights his failure to learn from past mistakes. After KAT-TUN disbanded, Tanaka had scaled back his entertainment activities, but this incident has once again brought him into the public eye.
The future actions and legal measures regarding Kōki Tanaka will continue to be closely watched.
「まだやめてなかったんですね…」“田中聖(38)がまたクスリで書類送検”元交際相手に送った“自慰動画”と“コカイン要求LINE”「エッチしている間も吸って…」《KAT-TUN解散》 | 文春オンライン](
[写真](2ページ目)「まだやめてなかったんですね…」“田中聖(38)がまたクスリで書類送検”元交際相手に送った“自慰動画”と“コカイン要求LINE”「エッチしている間も吸って…」《KAT-TUN解散》 | 文春オンライン
[写真](2ページ目) 2月12日、STARTO ENTERTAINMENTが人気アイドルグループ「KAT-TUN」の解散を発表した。メンバーの亀梨和也(38)は解散と同時にSTARTO社を退社。同メンバーの上田竜也(41…
菊池風磨、KAT-TUN解散に“意味深”コメント「中のことは中にしかわからない」(スポニチアネックス) - Yahoo!ニュース
中森明菜、初トリビュート・アルバム発表 Ado・鈴木雅之ら参加 本人が喜びのコメント(日テレNEWS NNN) - Yahoo!ニュース
歌手・女優の中森明菜さん(59)のトリビュート・アルバムが、デビュー43周年の記念日である5月1日に発売されることが発表されました。 1982年5月1日に『スローモーション』でデビューし、『ミ・ア