False Earthquake Alert in Brazil Sparks Concern and Investigation

In the early hours of Friday, February 14, 2025, residents of the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Minas Gerais were surprised by an earthquake alert sent by Google to Android smartphones. The warning, which indicated a supposed tremor with an epicenter near Ubatuba, on the coast of São Paulo, was quickly denied by authorities and experts.

Google issued an official statement informing that the earthquake alert system was deactivated in Brazil after the incident. The company explained that the system uses accelerometers in smartphones to detect vibrations and, upon identifying signs of possible tremors, sends alerts to users. However, Google acknowledged that there was an error and apologized for the inconvenience, stating that it is investigating the incident.

The Civil Defense of São Paulo and the Seismology Center of the University of São Paulo (USP) denied the occurrence of any tremor in the region. The Brazilian Seismographic Network (RSBR), linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MCTI), also reinforced that there was no record of seismic activity on the Brazilian coast in recent hours. According to physicist Sergio Fontes, coordinator of the RSBR, an earthquake of magnitude 5.5, as indicated in the alert, would be easily detected by the country’s and international seismographic stations.

The false alarm caused concern and mobilization on social media, especially because Brazil is located in a region of low seismic activity, far from the edges of tectonic plates. Google emphasized that the Android earthquake alert system is complementary and does not replace official monitoring systems.

The incident raised questions about the calibration of the system for Brazilian territory, which is not accustomed to large-magnitude seismic events. Meanwhile, Google has committed to improving its tools to prevent future errors.

Google desativa sistema após falso alarme de terremoto em SP e RJ

Google desativa sistema após falso alarme de terremoto em SP e RJ

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