False Earthquake Alert Startles Android Users in Brazil
In the early hours of Friday (02/14), Android users in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were surprised by an earthquake alert mistakenly sent by Google. The warning, which indicated a possible tremor with a magnitude between 4.4 and 5.5, was issued around 2 a.m., causing concern and confusion, as Brazil is not a region with a history of major seismic activity.
Google explained that the Android Earthquake Alert System, which uses cell phone sensors to detect vibrations, identified incorrect signals near the coast of São Paulo, leading to the alert being triggered. The company apologized for the error and informed that it has temporarily disabled the system in Brazil while investigating the causes of the failure. In a statement, Google emphasized that the system is complementary and does not replace official seismology alerts.
The Civil Defense of São Paulo and the Brazilian Seismographic Network (RSBR) confirmed that there was no record of any seismic activity in the region. Dr. Sergio Fontes, coordinator of the RSBR, explained that the Android system can generate false positives due to a lack of proper calibration for Brazil, where seismicity is low.
The incident sparked a wave of searches for “earthquake near me” on Google, with a significant increase in interest in the topic. Despite the scare, there were no reports of damage or incidents related to the false alert. Google remains committed to improving its tools to avoid similar errors in the future.

Terremoto perto de mim: alerta falso faz Google desativar sistema no Brasil
Na madrugada desta sexta-feira (14/02), muitos usuários de Android foram surpreendidos por uma mensagem inusitada de alertas de terremotos, que
Google desativa sistema de detecção de terremotos e pede desculpas por falso alerta
Aviso de tremor chegou a celulares Android na madrugada desta sexta-feira (14) e surpreendeu moradores de São Paulo
Terremoto falso surge na tela do Android e assusta moradores de SP e RJ • Tecnoblog
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Busca por 'terremoto perto de mim' cresce no Google após alerta
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somosnoticia.com.brMoradores de SP, RJ e MG recebem alerta do Google de terremoto em Ubatuba; Defesa Civil diz que não houve tremor
Aviso foi enviado para celulares com Android, na madrugada desta sexta (14). USP e UNB não registraram nenhum abalo sísmico na região. Google informou
Anatel investiga alertas falsos de terremoto enviados pelo Google
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