Meguro Ren of Snow Man Shares Insights on Career and Bond with Takahiro Hara
Snow Man’s Meguro Ren appeared on the MBS/TBS variety show “Sunday’s First Ear Learning” aired on February 16, where he talked about his career and his bond with his fellow member, Takahiro Hara. Meguro mentioned the “fear” he felt during his breakthrough in the drama “silent” and the support he received from Snow Man members. He revealed that his relationship with Takahiro Hara, who is both his fellow member and close friend, dates back 15 years to the day of their audition. He also shared an episode where their duo name “Haramegu” trended online.
Meguro spoke about experiencing the moment when “his existence became known to many people” during his acting career, feeling both joy and fear at the same time. He also revealed that Snow Man members showed warm reactions during the final episode of “silent.” Additionally, he touched on memories from his co-starring work “Trillion Game” with Takahiro Hara and episodes that deepened their bond, which garnered significant reactions from fans for their “Haramegu” combination.
Meguro shared that he has been influenced by many seniors both as an actor and an artist, particularly mentioning that his “tsukkomi skills improved” after working with Yō Ōizumi, which he said with a laugh. He also reflected on his co-starring episode with Takuya Kimura and his experience as a backup dancer at Kento Nakajima’s solo concert, showcasing his continuous growth across various activities.

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