SUPER EIGHT's Tadayoshi Okura Announces Marriage and Upcoming Fatherhood
Tadayoshi Okura (39) of SUPER EIGHT announced his marriage to a non-celebrity woman on the 24th. His partner is currently pregnant with their first child, and Okura revealed that he will become a father. This makes him the first active member of the group to get married. On a paid fan club site, Okura expressed his determination, saying, “As the company and the surrounding environment change daily, as I approach 40 this year, I want to move forward while cherishing both the things that change and those that remain constant.” Additionally, on the official website of his agency, he stated, “We have been blessed with a small life. Since my partner is a non-celebrity, I would be grateful if you could warmly watch over us.”
In July 2024, Okura established “J-pop Legacy,” aimed at talent development, and became its representative director and president. He has also been involved in producing the junior group “Naniwa Danshi,” earning the trust of his juniors. Kento Nakajima (30), who played his brother in a drama, congratulated him on his social media with “Congratulations, Aniki,” while Shigeaki Kato (37) of NEWS, who is of the same generation, also celebrated the new chapter by saying, “I reached out to sincerely say ‘Congratulations.’”
This marks the second marriage announcement from the agency this year, following Teruaki Koyama (35) of WEST. Last year, six members announced their marriages, continuing a marriage rush. Okura was born on May 18, 1985, in Osaka Prefecture. He formed “Kanjani8 (later Kanjani∞)” in December 2002 and debuted in 2004. The group changed its name to its current one in February 2024. His father is Tadashi Okura, the founder and current CEO of the yakitori chain “Torikizoku.”

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5人組アイドルグループSUPER EIGHTの大倉忠義(39)が24日、結婚したことを所属事務所の公式サイトなどで発表した。お相手は一般女性で現在第1子を妊娠中といい、父親になることも公表。グルー
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